
There are 3 main core concepts of traditional, original Usui Reiki.

1. Shin Shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho

Based on the original documents in the history, the original name of Reiki Healing is “Shin Shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho”, which was named by Usui Mikao. To translate it in English, it means “Usui Reiki Healing Therapy that improves physical and mental health.”

2. Gokai

Gokai, it’s ancient Japanese word that means five principles. The Great Reiki Master, Usui Mikao sensei, listed 5 principles as mental indicator for Reiki practitioners to follow up. Due to the reason that Gokai is functioned by saying it, which is also “Kototama“, a;; the Reiki practitioners are supposed to read it in original form, in Japanese. The correct pronunciation shall be taught in the Reiki training course.

3. Reiju

Back to the time when Usui sensei and Chujiro sensei taught Reiki and gave the technique of activating Reiki, they called the ceremony, “Reiju“. It means “initiation”, some people call it, “attunement.” This is a necessary process while learning Reiki. All the Reiki practitioners must be given Reiju in the seminar/training course. Reiju can only be done in person, by the Reiki teacher.


1. Shin Shin Kaizen Usui Reiki Ryoho

意指「心身改善 臼井靈氣療法」。

依據歷史上真實的原始文件得知,臼井甕男在最初發現靈氣並創建靈氣療癒時,其將之命名為「心身改善 臼井靈氣療法」,在漢字字義上可以清楚意會其設立的初衷與意義,即幫助人改善身體與心理的健康。

2. Gokai



3. Reiju


回到臼井甕男大師與林忠次郎大師的時代,在他們教授靈氣課程以及指導如何開啟運用靈氣的方法時,他們將這個程序稱之為「靈授」(此為漢字),中文意旨開啟靈氣療癒的開通儀式,中文亦有人將之翻譯為「點化」。英文則是有兩種説法,”Initiation” 以及 ”attunement”。這是所有學習靈氣修習者在培訓課程中必須接受的儀式。靈授必須由靈氣師範以面對面(親自)的形式直接傳授。

Cathy Hsu